Outcrop: Distributary Flow
coffee wall drawings, coffee beans, coffee skins, coffee bags, thermal blankets
Commissioned by Mr. Pablo Rodriguez, San Juan
Materials and technical assistance provided by Mr. Luis Valdejuly Sastre, Cafe Mayor, Ponce
at Trienal Poli/gráfica de San Juan, Latinoamérica y el Caribe: El Panal/The Hive, Antiguo Arsenal de la
Marina Española, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico
coffee wall drawings, coffee beans, coffee skins, coffee bags, thermal blankets
Commissioned by Mr. Pablo Rodriguez, San Juan
Materials and technical assistance provided by Mr. Luis Valdejuly Sastre, Cafe Mayor, Ponce
at Trienal Poli/gráfica de San Juan, Latinoamérica y el Caribe: El Panal/The Hive, Antiguo Arsenal de la
Marina Española, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico